Saint Mary MacKillop College
Wagga Wagga NSW
K - 12 Christ-centred Education
This school seeks to form students holistically, each one loved and respected as a unique person, a child of God and a candidate for Heaven. To this end we train the students to seek what is true, good and beautiful, educating them in an atmosphere of Catholic culture where the Catholic Faith is taught in its fulness, the life of virtue seriously pursued and academic excellence promoted as a true human value.
Take a look through our site to learn more about us.

Integrate Faith and Life...
We offer systematic and coherent teaching of the truths of Catholic Doctrine which includes the principles, doctrines and practical implications of Catholic Moral Teaching.
We inculcate an understanding and practice of the life of Virtue with special emphasis on the Theological virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity and the Cardinal Moral Virtues of Justice, Prudence, Temperance and Fortitude.

... Christian Formation
We help students to recognise and respond to the Will of God in day-to-day situations.
We provide ample opportunity for prayer - class prayer, individual prayer and above all the Sacred Liturgy.
We promote the good example and teachings of the Saints of the Catholic Church.

The Obvious Choice
Parents of five.
“SMMC was the obvious choice for us. The authentic Catholic culture combined with an excellent academic and sporting record was very hard to resist. We know that when our children graduate they will be well formed, well rounded, adults ready to make their mark on the world.”
Course Overview
Saint Mary MacKillop College teaches a challenging curriculum, and allows for close teacher-student interaction, as well as careful monitoring of student academic standards and character development. Scroll below to see what we offer from Foundation level to Year 12.

Our primary school teachers are committed to ensuring that each student fully develops their knowledge, skills and understanding so that they are able to meet the high academic expectations set by the school. Parents are seen as key collaborators in this and are expected to work with the teachers to achieve the best for their children.
Years 7 - 12
Our secondary classes allow for close teacher-student interaction, and careful monitoring of academic standards and character development. All studies are carried out in accordance with Catholic ethos and the requirements of NESA. Our English Programme 7-10 is strongly based on the classics of English Literature. The school prepares students for HSC and offers range of subject choice, with further options via Distance Studies.

Religion Programme
The Religious Education Programme is based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church. In the senior years students study Theology, Philosophy and Apologetics.
The school supports this by Pastoral Care, fostering a love for prayer (using the school's own Treasury of Catholic Prayers), and providing opportunity for visits to the Blessed Sacrament. Mass is celebrated each week, and care is taken to make this celebration reverent, dignified and beautiful.
School Culture
Learning to love, live and spread the Faith encompasses much more than Religion lessons. Students at SMMC are guided to personally 'own' their Faith and actively live it in all situations. Our expectations of student behaviour are high and reflect our aim of developing Christian virtues of self-motivation, responsibility, diligence, gratitude, consideration and care for the needs and rights of others, and religious fidelity. The Catholic culture is enhanced by special celebrations held on particular feast-days and seasons, eg Rosary Processions, Stations of the Cross, Hymns and prayer activities.
Contact Us
121 Fernleigh Road, Turvey Park NSW 2650, Australia
(02) 6925 6601